I had a dream last night,
I was a prisoner of my own mind,
couldn't reach out of my fingertips and feet,
thoughts were locked deep inside my brain,
Then I woke up.
Let's imagine a prisoner, forget about his crime. He is locked in a cell, only empty walls. he cannot reach what he needs outside his cell. He cannot feel the fresh air on his cheeks. He cannot smell fresh food in the market. He cannot see his loved family again, as he is a prisoner he is paying for his crime by restricting his freedom until he is judged that he had payed enough.

Do you see the similarity? if you haven't yet, let me explain it to you.
Where have you been living all your life? In your house? In your city, country? Are you sure?
I have lived all my life in my body. I haven't really moved a feet beyond it my whole life. Although I can carry my prison to the edge of the world still I can just see the beautiful sunsets only through the tiny window of my prison walls. I can hear the outside world only through the vibrations of prison walls. I can smell and taste only things which come through the jailers little window.

If I stopped there I will be dragging you onto a negativity. Yet, it doesn't stop there. My thoughts are also been living in its own prison shaped with the language and my education. More and more I learn things, more wisdom I accumilate, prison itself seems to be an illusion.
Let it be a trigger for us to think.
formal education makes slaves it destroys originality
a gentle giant you are