It doesn't matter which field you are working in, but the problem of overthinking is something you may have come across in your field. It is a problem which has been there even in the past. Here I will give three small examples of analysis paralysis and next we will discuss applications of it.
Story: Aesop's Fable - The fox and the cat
Once upon a time there was a fox who was a friend with a cat. One day they met in the edge of the jungle, they were talking about hunters and dogs. The fox boasted that he knows about hundred ways of escaping from such an attack if that happens. The cat on the other hand agreed he knows only one way. That is to climb the tree.
And indeed, they were attacked one such afternoon. While the cat quickly climbed a tree and safely above out of reach of hounds and hunters, the fox was paralyzed by thinking, he could not decide which way to run or hide. He was stuck in Analysis Paralysis! was hunted by hounds.
Waterfall Vs Agile development
In programming, above are two ways approaching a programming a complex program. In waterfall design, you plan everything from top to bottom, before starting any part the whole structure and parts were figured out, lot of design, analysis and planning. Which can lead to paralysis at some cases.
Comparatively Agile development starts with a simple functioning unit and iterate over and over until it is refined with a good working part, complexity is added while development progresses. So, there is some functioning results in the early part of the process.
Nervous nineties
In cricket, a batsman's dream is to get a century. When they are in their nineties batsmen can often become very nervous and can become very paralyzed in their decision making which can give a chance to opposition to get you Out! This can be seen in any other sport when high demand can lead to unusual nervous decision making.
What are the uses of knowing analysis paralysis? (I have linked some of previous articles which elaborate on each)
Limited choices can make you happy, if used effectively by avoiding analysis paralysis. It gives us opportunity to master something. (like the cat mastered climbing the tree)
Think about it if you want to master something it is likely you have to give up on trying to grab it all. But if you are listening to the same song, there can be some problems associated with it as well. So, we have to find the sweet balance between too many choices and too little.
If you find yourself paralyzed by overthinking, it may be time to start small and tackle complexity as it approaches. Again, this is compared to the top-down approach like when we tend to identify the big picture. Having known both (top down and bottom up) you will be able to choose better option for the situation. Sometimes you may be able to combine both, in problem solving. Awareness is the key.
Sometimes preplanning helps. If you know you are going into problems of overthinking, it is better to preplan and make rules for yourself. (Like making a list of items you are going to buy before going into supermarket) You are avoiding the problem altogether.
Thank you for reading Analysis paralysis - Overthinking problem.