Give them Nothing Take from them Everything.
These were the words uttered by the great warrior, Leonidus who was the leader of 300 Spartans, in the film 300. It seems encouraging address for a group of soldiers who are about to go to the war. I am sure, for Spartans, for Achillis and Every other war Hero these were their vision and mission. However, I would say this is a bad slogan for Bloggers. If you consider the blogging industry as a battlefield and you are going to war as a novice soldier, "Give them nothing, and Take them Everything" is never going to work. Instead, I recommend for blogging it should be the other way around. "Give them Everything and take from them nothing."
Give them Everything and Take them from Nothing.
This is my philosophy of blogging. Why? you may ask. Are you not going to make a living? Are you not going to reap what you harvest? Well, that of course is in my mind otherwise I would be lying. However, I can remember I have been on the other side of the wall not more than one year ago. I used to be the Client. I used to scroll through blog after blog looking for a blog that gives you something for nothing. But, it seemed, that is not the case. Everyone wants to take everything from you. The internet is flooded with poor quality articles who are written by bots, robots or "human machines" I did not see any depth into these superficial blog posts. They just provide just information, when I seek some intellectual marvels, Google provides me rubbish articles. This I have explained in my article "Why can't google answer my question". It seems these articles are not written to read by humans, but to impress Google!
Consciousness is valued.
In this blog, I write mainly about meaning of life, valuelessness of things, and how mindfulness is the tool which let experiment on the mind and its objects. The reason is it fascinates me, why we are doing what we are doing. I do not think our parents or teachers did think about this seriously. If there is a meaning of life, which is valuable, and we should follow this instead of scrolling through or doing an 8-5 job to make a minimum wage, I think that is a waste of time. Human consciousness is a great gift by nature, for us to understand the nature. It cannot be merely by chance that we are humans. Maybe it is, but the point is we should individually understand this, as we are all stuck in our own prisons which are called bodies. Hence, what we are essentially are floating consciousness through time. And I do not see anything which challenge our regular ancestral beliefs in the blogging community.
Most of them talk about success, prosperity, wealth and happiness. But the problem is without at least a fundamental understanding of processes which happen in our brains, we are clueless where we are, in these numeric scales. What is wealth? What is happiness? What is success and what is failure? Where is happiness coming from? Is it just an imagination? I am curious about these questions, and I do not find answers abundant on the internet. Not at the level it should be. Occasionally there is a rational thinker solo fighting to leave a message to the world. But I am not sure they are heard but silenced by ignorance and google. Just like a heavy pebble when dropped in the water, they straight go to the bottom, and dwell. But only the lighter, things float on the surface for us to see.
Why I started the blog? Why you should too?
This is an easy question, my reason to start the blog was to promote my book, about time. It started small, but now, it has become bigger and bigger and more than the book! And this is the 300th post that I am writing.
Humans are inherently creative. And we need a place for us to express ourselves. I was a victim of the killers of creativity of the past. But the blog has provided me a space to express myself. If you are a big fat introverted person like me, I say you should start writing too. Or for that matter being creative.
Even if nobody reads, it doesn't matter. As this I consider this a limited legend of myself for me to re-read. Remember the diaries of Anne Frank? If she did not write her story nobody would know. I am sure you also have a story to tell, a unique one.
My Little daughters are not big enough to know, the philosophy I write. I might or not be there when they become old enough to teach them lessons of life, as I understood it. They just know that I "Write Stories", and curious to read them but they can't. One day they will. Even if they didn't, you are doing it already.
I confess I am a thief. I seal your consciousness, few minutes of your time. To carve a little story. Here and there, in words. Like Michelangelo did when he made his statue of David. Not to make you disheartened or make it ugly. But to shape it a little more precious.
So, if you are in doubt what you should write, I suggest you start with a mini-Essay and see where it leads.
A year of mindfulness blogging - of 300 Spartans.
Nope. I haven't earned a single dollar from blogging. So, if you are looking for a success story of "How to make a Ton of Money blogging", you have to look somewhere else. Even Google have not, trusted what I am saying is true, at this point in time. And I do not expect otherwise, what does an AI bot know about life? How does even Google Know what philosophy and mindfulness is? It just follows protocols. Maybe Google is just a shy girl, who does have trust issues unless someone else recommends, or do not go on a date without a thorough background Check, type of a girl. With Zero Backlinks (Which are pointers from high authority domains to the blog) I am just the new student in the class, with crazy ideas! No wonder nobody trusted me; I even tried the Russian girl Yandex!
But It doesn't matter to a Warrior. 300 Spartans in My league will die tomorrow in the battle grounds against thousands of Persians. They have the spirit; they have a will to go on until the last breath of the last one stands, perish. You may ask me why? Why did the Spartans were a legend there are only 300 of them against thousands. I would say, because they were professionals. They have seen how wolves hunt in the dark valleys when they were just little boys and trained themselves on the skill. And they fought with their heart, and connected with all their brothers, to defend a one belief, that they can win. So, even if they did die, it doesn't matter. As they did not battle for coins like Persian army. I just wonder what could have been done if it were 600 Spartans?
Search console Graph
For anyone interested. following is my Search console graph for the last one Year of blogging.
Graph 1
Graph 2