You may disagree, to the above phrase. Yet you are reading this as you are curious. Why?
Lets be practical. Let's think about the question "Why are you reading this article?"

A question/problem is a missed opportunity to question itself
In simple terms there are different reasons for different people to read this article. Some may have guided by my previous posts. Curious what I have to say. Some, just landed here because of a random google algorithem recommended it. Some may be just looking for something else, a thought for savouring.
So answers to the above question can be :
curious because of previous posts
random google algorithem brought you here
looking for a thought for savouring
There are many more answers.
Now let's look at what we have done. We had a question -> we searched for answers.
That is the traditional way of looking at a question. That is how we were taught from our kindergarden. From our early days wherever we come from. Maybe its a shitty trailer in some abandoned park, or a mansion in a reknowned town, our elders taught us how to look for answers our questions. For thousands of years!

Now lets look at the other way.
We have a question -> question the question.
Let's try. Beware ! it is going to sound crazy but it will lead to some insights about life.
Level 1
"Why are you reading this article?" -> why did it become a question/problem for me? ( I did not have that question/problem before I start reading this article. Obviously up until you asked such a stupid question I was fine ! )
Level 2
Ok obvously it became a problem only when I got involved by reading this article. If I never read this article it will never be a problem to me. Obviously only few from billions around the world have kept their foot on this rabbit hole. Why am I such stupid? (another question let's skip this)
Level 3
Something becomes a problem only when I become aware of it. But, can I be not aware of anything?
Can you see? With only few steps you have become a great Philosopher of the century. (A joke ) You can use this trick whenever you have a problem. Trust me try it and it is fun. You will look like a fool only if you start speaking about it with others. So, keep it only within yourself. (LOL) maybe you can give a comment when you get suprising answers. After a while you will see a pattern and you will see where all the problems arise and the reasons for all our problems. Then only we can think about solving the problem of life.

Thank you for reading. Have a mindful day !
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