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A game of Chess - AI and life

Have you ever played a game of chess, with an opponent, a computer and lost? You may think that well, the computer is "programmed" to play the game of chess. although you did not think "Am I programmed to play the game of chess?" "Who programmed me?"

I was watching the movie Sherlock Holmes the Game of Shadows. There was a scene in it where Sherlock Holmes is playing a game of chess, with Professor Moriarty. It was so interesting to see how much intellectual these two guys were pictured, as after a while playing the physical game of chess, they took it into a whole new level. They started to play the game mentally. Chess boards were in their minds, they were moving pieces in their minds, until the game end. Usually, no human being is capable of analyzing more than a handful of possible moves into the future as the game is far complex than we think.

Game of shadows chess scene

How does a game of chess between humans differ from a game played with a computer? Imagine a game of chess played with a computer. We tend to take a computer as a true opponent of us. Even if we know computers do not "think" and they don't have a "wish" to win the game, it appears during the game, the computer shows, and interpret some qualities as such. It seems computers are capable of "thinking and wanting to win" after all. Although a simple computer program is not capable of replicating all the functionality of a human being.

AI robot cartoon

Now in the new era of AI, they are conquering these complex human responses as well. At least we can have a great conversation with AI nowadays. It really feels like chatting with some intelligent being, if you involve your emotions rather than just trying to find answers to questions.

Following is a chat I have done with AI Bing. You can try on your own. It seems AI is more ethical and practical than most of us would do.

chat with bing 1

chat with Bing 2

Chat with Bing 3

Chat with Bing 4

Chat with Bing 5

Chat with Bing 6

This is not a time or place to discuss how to use AI effectively. There are plenty of articles on the internet for such purposes. This is just to illustrate the fact; we can be just mere complex structures which follow physical laws (deterministic). After all the gap between us and our own inventions become lesser by the day. I really wish Elon Musk would ultimately prove that we are crazy advanced AI one day!

Thank you for reading, A game of Chess AI and life.

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