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Feb 8, 20242 min read
What can imaginary numbers teach about life? - mental representation.
Have you ever heard about imaginary numbers? Following is a definition for imaginary numbers. Imaginary numbers were formulated to...
Feb 7, 20245 min read
"Maximizing Study Efficiency: Understanding the Focused and Diffuse Thinking Modes"
In modern days learning is a fundamental skill for anyone who wish to become successful in any career. From early student ages we were...
Feb 5, 20245 min read
"How to Achieve Your Goals by Reverse/ backward Goal setting: A Step-by-Step Guide with Example"
Have you ever heard the term reverse or backward goal setting and wondered how to do it? Here is a quick guide to set your next goal and...
Feb 4, 20242 min read
Multitasking and Turing machines Lifehack mindfulness
Have you ever tried multitasking? Listening to the lecture while chatting with a friend on Facebook? Or trying to solve a math problem...
Jan 23, 20243 min read
Process is more important than results? - insights from a beautiful mind - Nash Equilibrium.
It is often discussed topic whether the process is more important than results. Here in this article, I will try to understand which is...
Jan 23, 20243 min read
What is there great beyond? Afterlife. Sausage Party
I was watching Sausage Party the other day. An animation film with dark humor, if you haven't already watched. For those who haven't...
Jan 22, 20243 min read
The nature of our greed, and jealousy. - story
Let's understand a basic feature about greed and jealousy, with some stories. Story 1. When I was a schoolboy, I used to do relatively...
Jan 22, 20243 min read
The fisherman and businessman story and Life Lessons
If you know the story The fisherman and businessman, you can skip to the discussion here One day a businessman, went on a vacation. He...
Jan 20, 20243 min read
What is a life well spent? - Minimalist, Achiever, Seeker.
I will try to answer the question what is a life, well spent in a philosophical point of view. Story of happiness: I knew a boy who lived...
Jan 11, 20242 min read
Praise and Praiseworthiness, drivers of a moral society- Adam Smith
What drives a moral society? What drives us not to be Dorien Grey's in our own lives? In his work "The theory of moral sentiments" Adam...
Dec 26, 20233 min read
Have I learned anything Listening to the same song?
It sounds stupid right? But I think you may have done the same. Imagine you hear a nice song. It finishes in three minutes. It is nice...
Dec 18, 20233 min read
Slow is the new fast- A mindfulness trick!
Sometimes you need to back up to move forward, sometimes you need to slow down. - (From the movie "Happy feet") Can you remember you...
Dec 10, 20232 min read
Near Death experience - in an Airplane
Today I am going to share a story with you. It is hilarious now when I look back and think about it but nonetheless it is still a near...
Dec 1, 20232 min read
Collections Composition and Encapsulation for life
There are a lot of things from basic understanding of computer language which we can gather to understand the nature of what we see...
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