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Dec 12, 20247 min read
Do you know how lucky you are? 7 reasons
I would say you are lucky. Even if you are happy, sad or euthymic at this point of time, you are lucky and you should smile about it. Do...
Dec 10, 20244 min read
Knots and no Knots - telos (meaning) of life.
Telos of life. (meaning) This is the third article on meaning of life or less commonly called Telos. In the first two articles we...
Dec 9, 20246 min read
How do we solve problems? Buffalo wisdom.
Buffalo Wisdom. Once upon a time there was a buffalo. As all the buffalos in stories, this buffalo also could speak! He used to drag...
Dec 4, 20244 min read
Mangroves on the move. Why moving house is so difficult?
Mangroves on the move. It's been a tiring day for the mangroves. They were on the move by dozens. Just like the jelly fish just like...
Dec 4, 20245 min read
Why I cannot move on? Principle of saved value
What happens after a breakup? Imagine a young couple in a relationship. Which started as a fairy tale, when eyes met with eyes. Then the...
Dec 4, 20244 min read
What if everything goes right? Positive thinking philosophy and mindfulness
Power of positive thinking I can remember reading a positive psychology book, many many years ago by Norman Vincent Pele. "The power of...
Nov 14, 20245 min read
What is a Mini Essay and Why you should write them?
What is a Mini Essay? A mini essay is a short paragraph to a 300-word article/essay where you formulate your ideas around a topic. It...
Nov 14, 20244 min read
Imaginative play and Mindfulness
This is not an article to sell you some stuffed toys, but about mindfulness and philosophy. "Wake UP" Coffee house. It is early in the...
Nov 12, 20244 min read
If you are depressed - be mindful - be mindful even if you are not
This article contains no medical advice. This is personal perspective of myself only. It is always recommended medical treatment, over...
Nov 7, 20244 min read
Becoming a Tourist in your own city.
How to be a tourist. I am sure you have been a tourist once in a while. Whenever we are at work, we are just routine men and women. When...
Aug 8, 20244 min read
Curing cancer in mind.
Cancer in the body. You may know someone with a cancer. Already, cured or succumbed. Cancer has become such an epidemic in modern world....
Aug 1, 20244 min read
A day without words - How to stay silent
Have you ever spent a day without talking? Maybe you have, without knowingly. But my question is having you spent a day without talking,...
Jul 24, 20244 min read
< Mindful listening - of songs. >
<Background> I was driving from my workplace to my home the other day. Alone in the car, a long-twisted road, with scenic mountain...
Jul 21, 20244 min read
How to eat a mango- mindfully
Let's step back. And look at what we have done so far. This blog is about mindfulness. And if you are not familiar with the vocabulary...
Jul 18, 20243 min read
The bouquet of flowers and a drop of honey.
There was a saying in the social media " A man will get his first bouquet of flowers when he is dead ". It made me think that bouquet of...
Jul 8, 20244 min read
What is the most valuable thing in the world?
Now that is a tricky question. If you are in a hurry to go somewhere I will reveal the answer here, but if you have spared few minutes, I...
Jul 3, 20243 min read
How to be the happiest person in the world.
So, as I have been writing too much depressing articles lately, I have decided I should tell you the secret recipe to be the happiest...
Jul 1, 20243 min read
The monkey and the bird story
It occurred to me that I haven't written about this favorite story of mine in the blog. I am really not sure where I heard it from but...
Jun 26, 20245 min read
Why should I start with why?
Why should I start with Why? You may have heard the above term before. Maybe in a success manual. Maybe in a TEDx talk. Maybe from some...
Jun 8, 20244 min read
Gospel of wealth - or how to spend your money.
There are thousands of ways to spend your money. This article is not about your day-to-day expenditure, or occasional vacation. This is...
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