Being Yellow in a Green Park - introvert problems
The root cause of all the problems.
When the superman gets Old
Eight Thousanders - Mountain Shishapangma
In the morgue - A student's perspective
Why can't I live in the present moment?
Everything you need to know about Mindfulness definition.
Why do I write? Why do I do anything? mindfulness and non-doer.
Why Am I so tired? How to overcome tiredness?
A bucket of water, Bucket of life.
A Random walk for life.
How to Model the world in a mathematical function.
The Power of Silence: How Embracing Quiet Moments Can Empower Mindfulness
On a tree top - Have you ever climbed a tree?
What is the most important question to ask?
Cockroach Ethics and Dictators - Friedrich Nietzsche
Life is a Journey Not a Destination - or is it?
Rules of Dual Worlds and Allegory of the Cave.
Motivation- Locus of control and the dual world solution
Beauty of a flower - beauty of a mind.