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Process is more important than results? - insights from a beautiful mind - Nash Equilibrium.
It is often discussed topic whether the process is more important than results. Here in this article, I will try to understand which is...
Jan 23, 20243 min read

What is there great beyond? Afterlife. Sausage Party
I was watching Sausage Party the other day. An animation film with dark humor, if you haven't already watched. For those who haven't...
Jan 23, 20243 min read

The nature of our greed, and jealousy. - story
Let's understand a basic feature about greed and jealousy, with some stories. Story 1. When I was a schoolboy, I used to do relatively...
Jan 22, 20243 min read

The fisherman and businessman story and Life Lessons
If you know the story The fisherman and businessman, you can skip to the discussion here One day a businessman, went on a vacation. He...
Jan 22, 20243 min read

Sky is the limit, or is it?
You may Have heard the term the sky is the limit. It is a great quote to inspire us to achieve our goals. There is another saying, "Aim...
Jan 22, 20242 min read

Philosophical insights to the near-death experience.
This is a follow up to the article, to near death experience in an airplane. Few questions arise from near death experience are, Is it...
Jan 22, 20242 min read

Statue of David - Michelangelo- mindfulness
Have you ever visited Michelangelo's famous statue David? It fascinates me how a human can create intricate details on a heartless stone...
Jan 20, 20242 min read

What is a life well spent? - Minimalist, Achiever, Seeker.
I will try to answer the question what is a life, well spent in a philosophical point of view. Story of happiness: I knew a boy who lived...
Jan 20, 20243 min read

How to understand platonic love?
You may have heard the term platonic love, before. Here in this article, I will help you to understand and feel platonic love, not for...
Jan 17, 20242 min read

Nature is really beautiful, or is it? Robert Frost.
You would not believe me when I say the nature is really beautiful and not. But, not only me Robert frost once said, but the nature is...
Jan 15, 20242 min read

What is it like to become a millionaire?
Once a wise man said, if you are a human, either you should be wealthy or attain peace with spirituality. Recently I had a question from...
Jan 15, 20243 min read

Is being selfish a bad thing?
What is selfishness? In the Merrium Webster dictionary it is defined as, the quality or state of being selfish: a concern for one's own...
Jan 14, 20243 min read

Where do our values come from? - mental representation.
This article is a follow up to the Objects of mind mental representation, where I have discussed some of the characteristics of mental...
Jan 14, 20243 min read

Will anyone survive a world without happiness? (definition)
I was falling asleep on a chair the other day when I had thoughts like these. Happiness, hmm... It seems like something which a mind...
Jan 13, 20242 min read

Prospect theory in decision making.
Imagine you are a patient, with your doctor who recently declared you a diagnosis of a cancer. Now it is diagnosed, and you explore...
Jan 12, 20242 min read

Praise and Praiseworthiness, drivers of a moral society- Adam Smith
What drives a moral society? What drives us not to be Dorien Grey's in our own lives? In his work "The theory of moral sentiments" Adam...
Jan 11, 20242 min read

Real Life Story of kite that couldn't fly - for all the kite lovers.
Have you ever flown a kite? If you have, you will agree there is something pleasurable about flying a kite. I do not know why, but...
Jan 11, 20243 min read

How to read a textbook- blooms taxonomy in action
Reading a textbook is an essential skill anyone who is trying to master in academics should have. It may be any of the fields. Textbooks...
Jan 9, 20242 min read

Pomodoro and Growing Trees- How to hack smartphones for study.
In an earlier article I have shown that how we are tricked by phone apps into a continuous loop of stimulation and response cycle. They...
Jan 7, 20242 min read

What will happen if I am immortal? (Immortality) - A life in a black hole.
Let us discuss immortality. To make it interesting let's imagine you are already immortal. We will go through simple scenarios to...
Jan 7, 20243 min read
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